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Good to Great
From a good company to a great company!

A convenient and happy life for mankind, a human-centered smart human care company

Our Direction

We develop technology to keep the brain healthy
and provide digital treatment technology
to help people live a better life.
We are researching digital cognitive therapy solutions optimized for global over 55 million people with mild cognitive impairment symptoms, 800 million people with cognitive decline prevention groups, and attention deficit behavior disorder (ADHD) symptom groups.

Anytime : Anywhere : Anyone > Digital Cog-Therapy Solution

Our Solution

a digital cognitive therapy technology used for the purpose of treatment in hospitals and specialized facilities for cognitive improvement treatment of mild cognitive impairment and ADHD (attention deficit behavior disorder), which are the pre-dementia stages.
Cognitive improvement contents and differentiated training solutions based on cognitive science and brain science can provide effective cognitive improvement by performing continuous and repetitive cognitive training.

Our High Level Solution

The effectiveness of EYAS has been
published in a world-class academic journal.
Clinical research results of EYAS, the result of many years of cognitive research, have been published in and journals.
We have 7 cognitive field patents through professional research in the field of digital cognitive improvement.
We have expertise in the field of digital cognitive improvement, and based on this, we are preparing the first digital therapeutic in the field of cognition.
Digital Cognitive Therapy EYAS
Digital Cognitive Therapy EYAS
Digital Cognitive Therapy EYAS

Our Market 1

10 million seniors
One out of five people in the total population is over 65 years old, and continuous and repeated cognitive improvement activities are required to maintain a healthy brain.
One in 10 seniors already has dementia.
We provide them digital solutions for cognitive improvement treatment and cognitive decline prevention, enabling them to treat and prevent mild cognitive impairment.

Our Market 2

Attention Deficit Behavior Disorder (ADHD), a type of neurodevelopmental disorder, requires drug treatment and cognitive therapy, which is a non-drug treatment.
EYAS's specialized concentration cognitive training content and eye tracking interlocking training technology are an optimized cognitive therapy solution that improves concentration.
Digital Cognitive Therapy EYAS
Digital Cognitive Therapy EYAS
Digital Cognitive Therapy EYAS
Our Solution EYAS Details

Good to Great

From a good company to a great company!
Inthetech supports the convenient and happy life of mankind

Contact us

Inthetech Co., Ltd.View map

96, Hyeoksin-Daero Dong-gu, Daegu, South Korea

Tel : 053-291-6557

Fax : 053-252-6557

Email : inthetech@inthetech.co.kr

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